Monday, February 17, 2020

U07d1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U07d1 - Essay Example This paper highlights that when a person is in condition as bad as this, they tend to be more trusting and willing to take up any help that they are provided. Also with the old age, people tend to trust what others say and take the time out to listen to others. Imagine if the same thing were to happen to a younger person, firstly, they would not let the strangers inside the house secondly, the doubt would always be present and a youngster would prefer to call in to home repair stores than to trust two men who just walk in. From this study it is clear that the level of trusting and the patience to listen to strangers; increases in several people as they grow old. In the case of Mrs. White, she has been alone for nine years knowing that she needs to get something done about the home repairs however has not had the courage to call some to assist here. In this state, she might feel the helplessness and would prefer to go with anything that is easily available. Hence she was easily persuaded into paying them $12,000 and trusting to strangers without any form of verification. Organisations like the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), assist individuals with many things which include, health, money, leisure, family and even social lifestyle and issues like the one faced by Mrs. White. The organisation provides the people with support and care. AARP assists the elderly with several different aspects of life to avoid them feeling low and being dependent on others. Financially, the organisation provi des the elderly with advice and also how to safeguard their money. In the case of Mrs. White, if she had opted to take the assistance of the organisation, she would not have lost the $12,000 and would not go through the trauma of having her house ripped out the way it had been.  

Monday, February 3, 2020

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories Essay

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories - Essay Example Agnew assumes that individuals from all social classes engage in crime, as all are geared towards success and economic fulfilment. In fact, the general strain theory should not be confined to economic fulfilment as whether from a low social class or higher, individuals would rebel if what they own is taken away from them and their success therefore hampered or in cases of negative emotions. In such a case therefore, the poor will have to steal or rob in order to recover the lost property or be at the same social level with the rest of the members of the community, while those in a higher social class would engage in fraud or embezzlement of funds, in most cases at the work place so that they can keep being rich; so as to be able to deal with the negative emotions that are as a result of the strain they experience. He further argues that an individual’s inability to achieve the success they aspire, in terms of money can lead to strain and therefore push someone into engaging in crime. He also says, â€Å"Many middle and upper class people in the United States want more money than they can have and obtain through legitimate channels†. Therefore, this strain on an individual to attain monetary success is what pushes them to engage in white-collar crime so that they can deal with the strain completely; mostly in cases where they are not offered solutions for the strain they are experiencing. An individual may for instance fake various documents in order to land a new lucrative job they have always wished to have. This is fraud, which is a white collar-crime. In relation to the general strain theory, white collar crime, just like any other criminal activity is as a result of the negative emotions one has when what they want or need is not being achieved. Fraud and embezzlement of funds for instance in most cases takes place in