Friday, October 25, 2019

Creativity, the Subconcious, and Daydreaming :: Biology Essays Research Papers

Creativity, the Subconcious, and Daydreaming When an artist of any sort is inspired they have what can very closely be compared with a spiritual feeling. Some have said that this state in which, the imagination flows so freely is that of a conscious dream. In this short essay I will explore the ideas behind creativity and this dreamlike state of inspiration. In order to do so we must first decide what creativity is and then how it is affected. Creativity ¡Ã‚ ¦ is it merely the expression of ones ideas, or must it be something that none has ever thought of before? My answer to this question is that neither idea is a proper definition for creativity. To be creative is the ability of the individual to express themselves in a passionate manner that is unique. The expression must be unique in the fact that the way in which it is expressed demonstrates the emotions and feelings of the creator. Also there are other forms of creativity such as inventing in which although the idea itself may not be completely new, or unrelated to something else, but that this idea is a composite of the information, which one has obtained throughout their life. This idea in order to be creative cannot be just a regurgitation of the ideas, but rather it must be an individual perspective. Creativity can be found in every day life in the simplest things, as in the way in which a person observes a flower that they are passing. However, what causes a c reative genius is the way in which they express their unique perspective. Creative Geniuses when asked about their feelings of inspiration have often said that they feel that their spiritualized feeling is similar to that of a dream. Could the dream-like state which artists experience during inspiration be similar to that of daydreaming? Absolutely, Day dreaming is when one ¡Ã‚ ¯s mind drifts from the task that it has been set to do. In this state we are still conscious unlike in sleeping dreams, but our mind is able to, so to speak drift into the depths of itself. There have been studies done that say that daydreaming is connected with intelligence and creativity. This is partially because sometimes our brain needs time to process information and although this is generally done during our REM sleep cycle sometimes it can carry over to our wakeful states.

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