Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Steroids Damage both Athletes and Sports Essay - 885 Words

Athletes have passed or failed many tests in their life time. Either on the field or off the field it’s safe to say it would be better if they pass. Failing a test in the class room just means a bad grade. Failing a test in the sports world means an athlete can lose their job, get suspended, lose money, and lose their loyal fans and much more. Athletes can be drug tested for basically anything whether it is illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs. Steroids are obviously the most well known drug in sports. There are three different types of steroids. Anabolic steroids are chemically derived from testosterone. They are seen in growth and thickening of the body’s non-reproductive tract tissues and have a decrease in body fat.†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Roughly 100 players tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in 2003, the first year of testing.† (Tomase par 2) Of those 100 names that tested positive, one very important name that sti cks out is Barry Bonds. Barry Bonds is the all-time leading home run hitter with 762 home runs. â€Å"Bonds is charged with 10 counts of making false declarations to a grand jury and one count of obstruction of justice.† (â€Å"Bonds’ personal trainer† S03) Greg Anderson was his personal trainer who collected urine samples from Bonds. â€Å"After spending a year in jail, Anderson is considered a vital witness for the government as it tries to prove Bonds lied to a grand jury investigating steroid use by athletes.† (â€Å"Bonds’ personal trainer† S03) Another big name on that list is former league most valuable player Alex Rodriguez who is arguably the best player in baseball the past couple seasons. He tested positive for two different anabolic steroids. â€Å"The mentality of needing to hit a 3-run homer with nobody on base. It’s that pressure that drove him to experiment with banned substances.† (Roberts and Epstei n par. 3) Alex Rodriguez says â€Å"I felt like I had all the weight in the world on top of me and I needed to perform and perform at a high level everyday.† (qtd. in Roberts and Epstein par. 5) Drug testing athletes has sizeable amounts of benefits. One of those benefits is catching athletes using performance enhancing drugs or illegal drugs. George Mitchell, aShow MoreRelatedDrug Use Body Image And Athletes1535 Words   |  7 PagesImage and Athletes No matter the sport, most athletes seek every competitive advantage to make it to the top. One of the main advantages is the performance athletes gain through drug use, and a big question today is the real purpose behind the drugs. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Non Verbal Free Essays

I have sent the following communication to my professionals through a observe and shown on the observe board: â€Å"Coming Second Weekend to complete our objectives or the month a evaluation conference is organized and all should be present at. If any professional Is not able to be present at should find out the material of the conference from their colleagues without fall†. But my communication went wrong and out of 10 professionals, only three professionals have joined at 4. We will write a custom essay sample on Non Verbal or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0 PM who checked-in with me plenty of duration of the conference. Following were the limitations of communication which was standing in the way of my communication: The â€Å"Channel† I have selected communication by â€Å"Receivers† did not make sure the invoice of the communication was missing the â€Å"Chronological context† The second Weekend being a non working day. The communication has designed a â€Å"Psychological noise† by not referring to perfect duration of the conference and misunderstandings have been designed. The â€Å"social context† also is one of the causes for the failing of the communication as I have not taken all my professionals into assured by providing any enhance information or a objective of the conference previously. Lessons learned in order to get over these limitations of communication: My communication was uncertain by not providing actual duration of conference. The press I have used Is he putting the observe on the observe panel, Instead had I distributed to all the devices and acquired their signatures by asking their accessibility or reviews my communication would not didn’t work. I have selected a wrong day a holiday though the process was a schedule one. I could have managed good interaction with my professionals for success of my communication. Overcome the communication limitations when you deliver a concept, you plan to connect significance, but the concept Itself does not contain significance. The significance prevails In your thoughts and In the brain of your recipient. To comprehend one another, you and our recipient must discuss similar explanations for terms, actions, style, and other signs. . Variations In perception The globe regularly bombards us with Information: attractions, appears to be, fragrances, and so on. Our thoughts arrange this flow of feeling Into a psychological map that symbolizes our knowing or truth. In no case is the knowing of a certain individual the same as the globe itself, and no two charts are similar. As you perspective the globe, your thoughts takes up your encounters in a exclusive and personal way. Because your views are exclusive, the concepts you want to show vary room other Individuals’ Even when two individuals have knowledgeable the same occasion, their psychological pictures of that occasion will not be similar. As senders, the most appropriate and common, a process known as particular knowing. As devices, we try to fit new information into our current design. If a details does not quite fit, we are more likely to change the important points rather than change the design. 2. Incorrect filtering Filtering is testing out before a concept is approved on to someone else. In business, the filtration between you and your recipient are many; staff, staff, receptionists, espousing to devices, etc. Those same gatekeepers may also translate’ your receiver’s concepts and reactions before moving them on to you. To get over filtration limitations, try to set up more than one communication route, remove as many intermediaries as possible, and reduce distortions by condensing concept information to the simple requirements. . Terminology problems When you select the terms for your concept, you indication that you are a participant of a particular lifestyle or sub-culture and that you know the rule. The characteristics of your rule enforce its own limitations on your concept. Barriers also are available because terms can be considered in more than one way. Terminology is an irrelevant rule that relies on distributed explanations, but there happens to be res trict to how completely any of us discuss the same significance for a given term. To get over language limitations, use the most specific and precise terms possible. Always try to use terms your viewers will comprehend. Increase the precision of your information by using language that explains rather than analyze and by introducing visible information, activities, and conditions. 4. Inadequate listening Perhaps the most common hurdle to wedding celebration is merely a lack of interest on the receiver’s part. We all let our thoughts walk now and then, regardless of how hard we try to concentrate. Everyone is basically likely to get to sleep when they are compelled to pay attention to information that is obscure or that has little immediate keeping on their own lifestyles. Too few of us basically do not pay interest well! To get over limitations, paraphrase what you have recognized, try to perspective the problem through the sight of other sound system and avoid moving to results. Explain significance by asking non-threatening questions, and pay interest without disturbing. 5. Varying psychological states Every concept contains both a content significance, which offers with the topic of the concept, and a connection significance, which indicates the characteristics of the interaction between e-mailer and recipient. Connections can break down when the recipient responds adversely to either of these explanations. You may have to deal with individuals when they are disappointed or when you are. An disappointed individual tends to neglect or change what the other individual is saying and is often incapable to present feelings and concepts successfully. This is not to say that you should prevent all communication when you are psychologically engaged, but you should be mindful of the higher prospective for misconception that comes with turned on feelings. To get over psychological limitations, be aware of the feelings that occur in yourself and in others as you connect, and make an effort to control them. Most essential, be mindful of the higher prospective for misconception that comes Differences in qualifications can be one of the toughest communication limitations to get over. Age, knowledge, sex, social position, financial position, social qualifications, disposition, health, elegance, reputation, religious beliefs, governmental perception, even a moving feelings can all individual one individual from another and make knowing challenging. To get over the limitations associated with differing background scenes, prevent predicting your own qualifications or lifestyle onto others. Explain your own and comprehend the qualifications of others, areas of knowledge, individualistic and views and do not believe that certain actions mean the same thing to everyone. How to cite Non Verbal, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

International Marketing for Tradeoffs and Risks- myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theInternational Marketing for Tradeoffs and Risks. Answer: Introduction The report revolves around the various aspects of managing international business by Armani and how it has established its position within the global business environment of New Zealand with ease and effectiveness. The market entry strategy will help in developing proper plans for managing the delivery of products and services to a targeted market segment and distribute those properly too. The import and export activities can help the organization to develop as well as manage contracts within a foreign country and ensure successful business functioning too (armani.com, 2017). Purpose and scope of the report The purpose of developing this report is to analyse how the fashion brand named Armani has managed to operate in the global business environment of New Zealand. To become successful in the global business environment, an appropriate marketing strategy should be chosen such as exporting, franchising, joint venture, relationship based entry, etc (Berthon et al., 2012). Suitable market entry strategy including tradeoffs and risks There are various effective market entry strategies including exporting, franchising, joint venture and relationship based entry that can be used by Armani to sustain within the international business environment. Direct exporting activities could help the company to sell the products and services directly in the market by utilizing a vast amount of resources. Armani has developed a sales program for the distributors and wholesalers by representing those in the market as well as consider them as major agents to manage product distribution and selling within the foreign country (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). Franchising allows for rapid market expansion by transferring the business models into another market segment in some other country. It works as an effective market entry strategy when the company has a string brand image and name to survive in the competitive business environment in New Zealand. The joint ventures could enable to form partnership between the two companies or individuals and manage coordination to work as an unit. The losses and profits gained would be shared equally between the two companies. Armani can export the products and services delivered and even get involved in the processes of manufacturing, distribution and export of fabrics that are needed for both shirting and suiting purposes (Helm Gritsch, 2014). The new technologies essential for improving quality of clothing products are projectile, airjet, rapier looms, etc. that are used by Armani to weave the fabric items and provide a better quality product. This will not only suit the service users but can also keep their needs and preferences fulfilled (armani.com, 2012). The exporting activities are managed through utilization of the most recent machinery including calendar machine, kd machine, comfit machine and formula machine that can enhance the quality of products and services and ensure that the high level of demands of customers in the different market segments are fulfilled. Direct selling and indirect selling are major methods of exporting (Kuo et al., 2012). To manage indirect selling, the export intermediary manages its roles by identifying the customers in the overseas market of New Zealand and check out proper ways of shipping products. The wholesaler is responsible for gaining possession of the products and even obtains better profit through obtaining knowledge and expertise by selling products of Armani in the foreign market. The risk of surviving in the international market is huge and so There could be risks related to the trading activities and so the domestic buyers must assume the risks and then handle the exporting details proper ly (Laufs Schwens, 2014). Exporting has enabled Armani to enter new market by exporting directly through intermediaries to become aware of the foreign competition, market opportunities and new technologies implemented. This could facilitate the ways of managing e-commerce website and sell products online by shipping those in the foreign countries with convenience. While exporting directly, Armani has developed contracts to increase its sales and increase the customer base (Meissner, 2012). Relevant marketing mix strategies The marketing mix strategies implemented by Armani has helped in targeting the consumers in the foreign market and even cater to the segment consisting of customers who cannot afford the signature line. The company has targeted the young customers segments and provides them with modern and innovative designs that can be applicable for the target customers. Products Giorgio Armani has developed its products by providing some identifiable features in their designs and even increased the product line through introduction of wide range of apparel consisting of signature Armani suits. The targeted segments of customers are mainly between the age of 35 to 50. To survive in the competitive business environment of New Zealand, the company has focused on the lower market segment by introducing Armani Collezioni and fulfilled the requirements of lower market segments (Terpstra, Foley Sarathy, 2012). Modern designs are created to cater the needs of young targeted consumer while the jeans collection also could be a major trend among the girls and women in New Zealand. This would make them experience both luxurious and fashionable line of apparel after making purchases from Armani. Price Armani has created a good brand image and name amongst the elite members of the society but in order to sustain in the global business environment, it would be essential to manage production of products for both the elite class and normal people of New Zealand. The price levels are different for introducing new products and services in the market and ensure successful market expansion. The Collezioni brand items are priced properly, i.e., 20 percent lower compared to the premium segment products to targeting the lower segments of customers (Zhou, Wu Barnes, 2012). Armanis Prive Line also is an essential segment of fashion and clothing that can be available at competitive process and this can influence the buying behaviors of consumers too. Place Armani has its stores all around the world and during the management of international business, the company must establish a chain of retail outlets in New Zealand to serve many customers and make them know about the brand supremacy. The wide range of accessories, apparels available could help Armani to showcase its customers and make the, feel the benefits of deluxe fashion. Armani has made proper strategic plans to develop a retail network of more than 15 stores in New Zealand and enhance the numbers of customers and sales revenue. The products of Armani should be made available online and even allow the customers to check the products, apply those to an on-screen model and evaluate the shades prior to purchase (armani.com, 2017). Promotion Armanis promotional strategies are exceptional, because the company has not only involved celebrities to endorse the brand products. Social media involvement could also be beneficial for the company to make more people aware of the new products delivered and influence their buying behavior too. The celebrities wore the dresses and could do ramp walks to highlight the excellence in Armani products and influence customers of New Zealand to try those (Berthon et al., 2012). Conclusion The topic focused on the international marketing consisting of how the business organization Armani managed to operate in the foreign market, i.e., New Zealand. As an effective market entry strategy, the exporting activities should be used by Armani to enter the new market segments and attract more customers. Armani has filled orders from the domestic purchasers who are responsible for exporting the products. Armani has identified the domestic purchasers who can represent the foreign customers and this would help in attracting huge numbers of customers. The marketing mix strategies had helped in determining the major products including suits and apparel items along with the prices set for those and promotions done to ensure successful business functioning within the global business environment. References armani.com (2017). Armani | Official Online Store |. Retrieved 31 October 2017, from https://www.armani.com Berthon, P. R., Pitt, L. F., Plangger, K., Shapiro, D. (2012). Marketing meets Web 2.0, social media, and creative consumers: Implications for international marketing strategy.Business horizons,55(3), 261-271. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. Helm, R., Gritsch, S. (2014). Examining the influence of uncertainty on marketing mix strategy elements in emerging business to business export-markets.International Business Review,23(2), 418-428. Kuo, A., Kao, M. S., Chang, Y. C., Chiu, C. F. (2012). The influence of international experience on entry mode choice: Difference between family and non-family firms.European Management Journal,30(3), 248-263. Laufs, K., Schwens, C. (2014). Foreign market entry mode choice of small and medium-sized enterprises: A systematic review and future research agenda.International Business Review,23(6), 1109-1126. Meissner, H. G. (2012).Strategic international marketing. Springer Science Business Media. Terpstra, V., Foley, J., Sarathy, R. (2012).International marketing. Naper Press. Zhou, L., Wu, A., Barnes, B. R. (2012). The effects of early internationalization on performance outcomes in young international ventures: the mediating role of marketing capabilities.Journal of International Marketing,20(4), 25-45.