Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Steroids Damage both Athletes and Sports Essay - 885 Words

Athletes have passed or failed many tests in their life time. Either on the field or off the field it’s safe to say it would be better if they pass. Failing a test in the class room just means a bad grade. Failing a test in the sports world means an athlete can lose their job, get suspended, lose money, and lose their loyal fans and much more. Athletes can be drug tested for basically anything whether it is illegal drugs or performance enhancing drugs. Steroids are obviously the most well known drug in sports. There are three different types of steroids. Anabolic steroids are chemically derived from testosterone. They are seen in growth and thickening of the body’s non-reproductive tract tissues and have a decrease in body fat.†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"Roughly 100 players tested positive for performance enhancing drugs in 2003, the first year of testing.† (Tomase par 2) Of those 100 names that tested positive, one very important name that sti cks out is Barry Bonds. Barry Bonds is the all-time leading home run hitter with 762 home runs. â€Å"Bonds is charged with 10 counts of making false declarations to a grand jury and one count of obstruction of justice.† (â€Å"Bonds’ personal trainer† S03) Greg Anderson was his personal trainer who collected urine samples from Bonds. â€Å"After spending a year in jail, Anderson is considered a vital witness for the government as it tries to prove Bonds lied to a grand jury investigating steroid use by athletes.† (â€Å"Bonds’ personal trainer† S03) Another big name on that list is former league most valuable player Alex Rodriguez who is arguably the best player in baseball the past couple seasons. He tested positive for two different anabolic steroids. â€Å"The mentality of needing to hit a 3-run homer with nobody on base. It’s that pressure that drove him to experiment with banned substances.† (Roberts and Epstei n par. 3) Alex Rodriguez says â€Å"I felt like I had all the weight in the world on top of me and I needed to perform and perform at a high level everyday.† (qtd. in Roberts and Epstein par. 5) Drug testing athletes has sizeable amounts of benefits. One of those benefits is catching athletes using performance enhancing drugs or illegal drugs. George Mitchell, aShow MoreRelatedDrug Use Body Image And Athletes1535 Words   |  7 PagesImage and Athletes No matter the sport, most athletes seek every competitive advantage to make it to the top. One of the main advantages is the performance athletes gain through drug use, and a big question today is the real purpose behind the drugs. 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