Thursday, April 30, 2020

My First Time Experience free essay sample

My first time experience I remember when I went scuba diving for the first time. It was the summer of 2002. My Dad, his two friends Mark and Bob, and I went on a scuba diving trip to San Carlos, Mexico with a group of scuba divers from June 21st-29th. It was June 22nd, a beautiful day. The temperature was at about 90 degrees and it was very sunny. I was on big nice scuba diving boat along with the other eight divers on the trip and captain and co-captain. The boat was headed to an island about two hours away called Seal Island; it was called that because of all the sea lions that inhabit it.When we arrived at the island the captain stopped and anchored the boat. I immediately jumped in the water and started snorkeling while all the other divers were still on the boat putting on their scuba equipment. We will write a custom essay sample on My First Time Experience or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After being in the water for about two minutes wearing only a bikini, I started feeling this stinging sensation all over my body. After about another minute or so the stinging got so bad that I had to get out of the water and back on the boat. When I got on the boat I found that I had welts on every inch of my body that wasnt covered by my bikini.I had been stung a numerous times by a jellyfish. The captain of the boat, Chuey, a Mexican man who couldnt speak English poured this liquid substance all over my body, and immediately made all the stinging go away. I knew then that when I got back in the water I would have to wear a wetsuit. A little while later, after I recovered from the jellyfish stings, I put on my wetsuit, weight vest, regulator, BC, tank, fins, and mask, all the equipment essential for scuba diving.I was pretty nervous about going down, so the instructor, a man named Punk Potter (really thats his name) went over all the steps equalizing, breathing, and reassured me everything is going to be okay and to just relax. Finally, after lots of reassuring and encouragement I jumped in the water. The instructor went down with me. We took it slow and gradually started going down. I was breathing pretty fast at first from being nervous, but I gradually started to relax. We kept going further and further down until we eached the bottom at 42 feet below the surface. On the way down I saw schools of angelfish and many other fish that I couldnt identify. When I got to the bottom I saw two moray eels that were really scary looking. I kept my distance from them, for I could see that the whole roof and bottom of the inside of their mouths were covered with razor sharp teeth. I saw a crab that was humongous, it was about 2 by 2 feet big. I saw plenty of jellyfish that I now didnt care for because of the earlier encounter that I had with one. I saw a manta ray that was amazing. It was beautiful how it just glided through the water so gracefully. I wanted to grab onto it and go for a ride like you see on TV, but I was a little too scared to do that just yet. It was the coolest visual experience of my life, seeing a whole different world something that not everyone gets to see like I did. On the way back up towards the surface I saw a sea lion that was about the size of my Dad. It seemed like it just appeared out of nowhere and popped up right in my face.It scared the daylights out of me. It was curious about what I was, for it was swimming circles around me, looking me up and down, and just staring at me in the face. Im sure that I looked like an alien to it with all of my scuba equipment on. It was so cute. The sea lion reminded me of my dachshund at home, Roxy, except a lot bigger and with its ears cut off. I swam up to the surface after being down for 45 minutes. I was so happy and excited when I got back on the boat. I told everyone of my experience. It was the coolest experience of my life. I went five more times on that trip and there will be many more in the future. It made me feel very brave, for scuba diving takes a lot of guts and not everyone can do it. It is a very dangerous and risky sport. You can die anytime by making just one of the many possible mistakes. I am very proud of myself for doing this. I think that by doing it, it revealed about my character that I am a risk taker, brave, and curious to see and experience new things.

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